Stage play with indigenous actors in Mitú, Colombia
A Corporación Tapioca production
Indigenous culture-bearing authorities told us the creation myths “Boreka and the Creation of the World” from the Desano ethnic group, “Romicumú, the Shaman” from the Tatuyo ethnic group and “The Women of Kuvay” from the Kubeo ethnic group. Based on these, the play Historias con Forma de Mujer was created. The indigenous languages of the three ethnic groups were spoken in the production. The focus was on the role of women in the creation myths told.
The project was supported by the Colombian Ministry of Culture. The premiere took place in September 2014. The two performances in Mitú had an audience of more than 600.
Direction & Dramaturgy
Magda Cecilia Agudelo Moreno
Stage design
Audiovisual Production
César Ernesto Agudelo Moreno
Jenny Andrea Gutiérrez Álvarez
Nelda Galvis
Sergio López
Teodora Ariano
Lurdes Ariano
Ineydi Rodríguez
Cultural Support
Rita López
Javier Pereira
Ismael Ramírez
© César Ernesto Agudelo Moreno
25.09.2014 – Mitú, (CO)
26.09.2014 – Mitú, (CO)