Blanca Esperanza de la Montaña y de los Ríos
The figure Blanca Esperanza Montaña Ríos represents one of the many migrants who come to Germany “full of hopes”. Her experiences are nothing special. Quite normally her life develops into dreamland. But normal is not ideal. The normal does not correspond to hope or dreams. Normal for a woman (or man) immigrant from an undeveloped country, in her mid-twenties, means to pack her own dreams and make everything possible to survive. Magda Agudelo, the actress and author of the play Blanca Esperanza de la Montaña y de los Ríos (White Hope of the Mountain and the Rivers), creates in a short time the argument of a woman with her unexpected job situation.
Blanca Esperanza “tried in Germany to work in her profession, but unfortunately there was no place, no opportunity for her”. She had no other choice than to look for a job as a cleaning lady. “I’m nothing,” she says as her body turns into a cleaning machine. She does not recognize herself in this new situation, she does not want to clean anymore. In an ideal performance, she takes off her rubber gloves and walks away, freeing herself. The play is staged with simple means. The actress’s voice and body are enough to show “an important event in the life of Blanca Esperanza Montaña Ríos”. Space and time are enchanted in the empty space by words and movement.
20.11.2007 – Integration aus feministischer Sicht. Fachtag -EineWeltHaus, München (DE)
07.08.2008 – 1. Sommerakademie, Landsberg am Lech (DE)
17.09.2009 – Sensemble Theater, Augsburg (DE)
20.11.2015 – “Mit fremder Zunge”, Auslandsgesellschaft, Dortmund (DE)
29.04.2017 – “poetischer und musikalischer Abend”, Gut Königsmühle – Dortmund (DE)
17.05.2017 – Rottstr. 5, Bochum (DE)
10.06.2017 – “poetischer und musikalischer Abend”, Gut Königsmühle – Dortmund (DE)
29.07.2017 – Theater der Gezeiten, Bochum (DE)
„Heimat, Fremde und Integration“ >Augsburger Allgemeine< Ulrike Reschke, 9.8.2008, pdf , link: 21.2.2017, 22:38… link: 6.4.2018, 20:48
Inhaltsangabe (dnb) vom Schwabenspiegel, Wißner Verlag link: 8.3.2018, 23:20
Frauenschichten is a project by Jeiny Cortés and Magda Agudelo.
Here they assemble a monologue and a solo from their own repertoire, which deal with the different facets of the woman.
The assembly shows on the one hand the situation of a woman who is trapped in her role as a spouse and housewife and on the other a hopeful migrant who tries unsuccessfully to practice their profession in the new country and lands in the dead end of the struggle for survival as a cleaning lady.
06.06.2018, 20:00 – Theater am Olgaeck, Stutttgart (DE)
09.11.2018, 18:30 – Theater La Lune, Stuttgart (DE)
19.01.2019, 20:00 – Theater La Lune, Stuttgart (DE)
14.09.2019, 20:00 – Theater La Lune, Stuttgart (DE)